Anyone having additional information is encouraged to contact us.
Names are in alphabetical order.
- Officer Clause B. Abramson
- Detective Steven Agresti
- Inspector Bruce R. Andersen
- Det. Sergeant Ronald H. Andersen
- Officer Theodore Anderson
- Lieutenant Stanley W. Atkinson
- Lieutenant Joseph E. Austin
- Detective Robert G. Baccari
- Officer Joseph E. Balkun
- Officer Edward H. Barker
- Officer Harry Baxendale
- Officer Andrew J. Baynes
- Sergeant Charles W. Beckman
- Officer William E. Begones, Jr.
- Officer John Bell
- Officer James L. Bergin, Jr.
- Chief John Bigbee
- Officer John Bloomstrom
- Chief Nelson G. Bourret
- Officer Leo J. Breault
- Det. Captain Robert H. Brown, Jr.
- Sergeant Albert Burnside
- Sergeant Walter C. Busby III
- Officer Michael F. Buzzard
- Sergeant Edward Callery
- Officer John F. Callery
- Detective Robert A. Callison
- Detective Philip F. Caliri
- Officer Francis J. Caniglia
- Lieutenant Raymond J. Caniglia
- Officer Anthony Carello
- Major George Carello
- Sergeant Charles A. Carney
- Lieutenant Robert J. Carroll
- Officer William E. Cassidy
- Lieutenant Joseph J. Cicione, Jr.
- Detective Daniel P. Cipalone
- Chief George J. Coffey
- Officer Thomas Cooney
- Sergeant William Cooney
- Sergeant James S. Cooke
- Officer Richard W. Cornell
- Captain Rowland G. Cornell
- Officer Thomas M. Corse
- Det. Sergeant Louis Corvese, Jr.
- Detective Henry V. Crudale
- Chief James E. Cuff
- Detective Christopher D’Ambrosio
- Captain Henry C. Debow
- Detective Salvatore L. DeCesare
- Captain Ernest D. Delmonico
- Officer Leonard D’Errico
- Officer Carmine DePetrillo
- Officer Ernest J. Deschene
- Detective Raymond V. Deschene
- Sergeant Ronald L. Desjarlais
- Captain George H. Dibble
- Officer Daniel DiBiasio
- Detective Bartholemeo DiSano
- Sergeant Joseph A. Doucette
- Officer Henry E. Driscoll
- Detective Matthew T. Duffy
- Officer William L. Dutton
- Detective John T. Enos
- Lieutenant Edward M. Farrell
- Lieutenant George R. E. Farrow
- Officer Carl Fascia
- Detective Nicholas Ferranti, Jr.
- Lieutenant Jay W. Fitzgerald
- Detective Raymond C. Flynn, Jr.
- Officer Robert J. Flynn
- Detective Joseph V. Fortuna
- Chief Louis B. Fouchecourt
- Officer James J. Fox
- Officer Walter P. Friend
- Officer Wilfred Gagnon, Jr.
- Chief James H. Gibbs
- Captain James H. Gibbs
- Detective Kenneth Gilkenson, Sr.
- Detective Sergeant Frank Gill
- Sergeant William F. Grady
- Officer Harold E. Greenhalgh
- Officer Russell B. Gross, Sr.
- Detective Nicholas A. Gualtieri
- Sergeant Fred H. Guile
- Sergeant Ronald M. Guilmette
- Officer Michael Gunson
- Detective Eugene F. Hackett
- Chief Thomas M. Harrington
- Captain Adelbert Hay
- Sergeant John R. Hinckley
- Officer William J. Hines, Jr.
- Officer James Hogan
- Detective William Holihen
- Detective George F. Holt
- Detective Anthony Iannotti
- Officer John Illingsworth
- Officer Bertil H. Jentzel
- Commander Harold N. Johnson
- Officer Henry R. Johnson
- Officer Caleb B. Jordan
- Captain Howard E. Jordan, Jr.
- Lieutenant Francis J. Kelly
- Town Sergeant John Kenyon
- Chief Daniel A. Kiernan
- Officer Franklin L. Knowles
- Detective Edward Laborio
- Sergeant Thomas Lanzi
- Detective Deus O. LeClair
- Officer Edward Legacy
- Detective Joseph Lombardi
- Sergeant William F. Loux, Sr.
- Detective Sergeant Howard C. Luther Jr.
- Detective Enrico C. Maccarone
- Sergeant William H. Maher
- Officer Thomas J. Mahoney
- Officer Roland R. Manchester
- Major Edward R. Manocchia, Sr.
- Detective Rocco Mariorenzi
- Det. Lieutenant Michael A. Marro, Jr.
- Sergeant Anthony Massimino
- Captain Patrick J. McCarron
- Officer Francis J. McElroy
- Lieutenant Walter L. McGarry
- Sergeant John J. McGee
- Officer Peter L. McGuril
- Officer Patrick J. McHugh, Sr.
- Sergeant Patrick F. McHugh
- Officer Terrence J. McKaig
- Officer Joseph H. Miele
- Detective George A. Michaud
- Detective Joseph A. Mignano
- Chief James G. Miller
- Officer Herbert C. Mitchell
- Detective John F. Montanaro
- Chief Anthony J. Moretti
- Chief Anthony Moretti
- Detective Louis Morenzi
- Sergeant Edward Morgan
- Chief Clerk Anthony T. Mulligan
- Officer Francis P. Murphy
- Officer Thomas Murphy
- Officer Harold Nelson
- Lieutenant William J. Nixon
- Detective Robert J. Nunes
- Officer Richard W. Norberg
- Sergeant John W. O’Brien
- Detective Arnold R. Odesky
- Officer William J. Olausen
- Sergeant Joseph L. O’Rourke
- Lieutenant Clifford D. Ouimette
- Detective David A. Palazzolo
- Detective William J. Palmer
- Detective Joseph J. Pelosi
- Officer Ernest C. Potter
- Detective William F. Quinn
- Officer Robert R. Rawlinson
- Captain Raymond Ricard
- Captain Charles J. Rogers
- Officer Arthur Rotondo
- Detective Paul L. Rousseau
- Detective Gary Roy
- Officer Wayne S. Russell, Jr.
- Captain Edward J. Ryan
- Detective Captain John Ryan
- Major Robert W. Ryan
- Det. Sergeant Paul Saccoccia, Sr.
- Officer Clifford F. Schultz
- Detective Francis A. Schinse
- Sergeant George A. Seavor
- Lieutenant Howard S. Sharples
- Officer Frederick Silva
- Officer Charles H. Smith
- Officer George E. Smith
- Det. Capt. John F. Smith, Jr.
- Sergeant Arthur E. Soderberg
- Lieutenant Paul Soscia
- Officer William H. Stone
- Lieutenant John J. Sullivan
- Sergeant Harry F. Sunderland
- Officer Gordon M. Thurber
- Officer Walter L. Thurber
- Officer Frederick E. Toole
- Chief Patrick Trainor
- Officer Russell M. Trant
- Lieutenant Earl P. Tucker
- Officer Severino R. Valletta
- Officer Richard A. Vieweg
- Det. Lieutenant William E. Walsh
- Officer William J. Walsh
- Detective William T. White, Jr.
- Officer Erwin H. Wilbur
- Officer Raymond E. Wilbur, Jr.
- Sergeant Arthur C. Wilson
- Officer John A. Yeaw
- Officer Willis K. Yeaw, Jr.
- Detective Frank R. Zito
- Officer Cheryl J. Zola
The following officers are known to have served, but photos and information about them is lacking. If anyone can help, please contact us. Thank you.
- Officer Patrick O’Leary
- Officer F. Peterson