April 2019 CPDRA Meeting Minutes
CPDRA Meeting Minutes – June 10, 2018
CPDRA Founder and Honorary President Rico Maccarone
Cranston Police Department Retiree’s Association
374 Congdon Hill Road
Saunderstown, RI 02874
June 10, 2018
The following are minutes of the Cranston Police Department Retiree’s Association (CPDRA) Meeting that was held on April 25, 2018 at Local 301, I.B.P.O. Hall in Cranston.
1. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those CPD Officers who are no longer with us. Since our last meeting, we have lost Detective Frank Zito, Officer Russell Gross, and Officer Cheryl Zola.
2. A motion was made to accept minutes of the last meeting which were previously distributed.
3. President Sepe provided members with the following financial report:
A. Current balance in Savings Account: $1,795.75
B. Current balance in Checking Account: 5,118.35
D. Total financial assets to date: $6,914.10
* Increase of $360.95 from last year.
4. Old Business Reviewed:
a. While the sale of engraved bricks for current CPD officers and employees is still open for our memorial, we have received a quote from Sciolto Monument for enlarging our Police Monument. The estimated cost, without engraving, is $7,200.00. After speaking with Mr. Sciolto and CPDRA Officers and Board Members, it has been determined that we will hold off on expanding our memorial since we have sufficient space for approximately 5 – 8 years. Item Closed for Now.
b. Since we were unable to obtain the minimum number of participants for our Retired Cops Luncheon, it had to be canceled. Item Closed.
c. President Sepe briefed that 13 CPDRA golf shirts were ordered and mailed to out-of-state dues paying members that responded to his email last year. While the CPDRA paid for the postage to mail out the shirts, the golf shirts were paid by a donation from the President. As a reminder, these shirts can be purchased at Elmwood Sport in Cranston for $28.00. CPDRA Golf hats can also be purchased for $17.00. Item Closed.
d. The association’s Federal Identification Number is still open. We hope to resolve this matter in the coming months. Open Item.
e. While Colonel Walter Craddock’s photo has been placed in the Chief’s Gallery of our web site, we are now experiencing issues with two other photos. Open Item.
5. New Business:
a. In an effort to improve the quality of our web site and 10-4, CPDRA member Sgt. (retired) James Ignasher has agreed to assume the position of managing editor for both items. Please check out some of the new ideas that Jim has already implemented on our web site.
b. As directed by the body, a concerted effort was made last year to email and mail out a dues reminder to all delinquent paying retirees. In accomplishing this, we received an approximate 8% increase in our collection of CPDRA dues for 2017. This will also be accomplished for 2018. Closed Item.
c. Since the expansion of our Police Memorial has been placed on hold, the need for grants and fund raisers are no longer needed at this time. Closed Item.
d. Suggested by the members in attendance, the association will limit this year’s spending to only required bills/requirements. This is so we can increase our finances in the event of an emergency situation that affects our members.
e. Along with sending out the minutes of our meeting via an email, the President suggested that we also include our financial report from the previous year for our members to review. Please note that our financial report will not be placed on our web site or will be mailed out to individuals without an email account at this time. However, the meeting minutes will be placed on our web site as usual.
f. For those having questions regarding our COLA, we are scheduled to receive our 3% this year.
6. With Gary Notarianni stepping down as Vice President, Detective (Retired) Jim Perry has now assumed this position after a vote from the members in attendance. However, Gary has volunteered to be on our board of directors. No other changes at this time to CPDRA Officers and Board Members.
7. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting and second at approximately 8:30pm.
8. As a reminder, the date for paying your 2018 CPDRA dues is July 30, 2018. Please send your check or money order to CPDRA, C/O Peter Sepe, 374 Congdon Hill Rd., Saunderstown, RI 02874.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter J. Sepe, President
Attached are the minutes from our April 2017 CPDRA Meeting: 2017 April CPDRA Meeting Minutes
CPDRA Meeting Minutes for April 2016: 2016 April CPDRA Meeting Minutes